Faith In Action is an interfaith ministry that provides practical assistance to senior citizens so they may remain independent. St. Mary’s has been involved since 2005 and has 28+ volunteers who witness Jesus’ love and compassion as they help seniors maintain their dignity. Volunteers can decide to help a little or a lot depending on their availability. All volunteers attend a 2-hour orientation and may choose to help in any of the following ways:
- transportation to medical appointments
- shopping assistance
- friendly phone calls
- friendly home visits
- light home repair and maintenance
Call Faith In Action at 309-827-7780 for more information or see the Faith In Action website at
St. Mary’s Parish is forming a Funeral Choir Ministry that is open to all parishioners. You do not have to be a member of a Sunday liturgy choir to participate. The ministry consists of singing the funeral Mass liturgies celebrated at St. Mary’s Church. Music used will be that which the congregation is already very familiar. There will be no rehearsal times involved with this ministry – – you are invited to participate only when you can. A telephone committee will make calls informing everyone of scheduled funerals. If you’d like your name added to the funeral choir’s telephone list or want more information, please contact: Ann Ripsom: 662-3220
Adult Scripture Experiences is a new ministry being formed at St. Mary’s Parish. Four parishioners are needed to coordinate the first two steps of Jeff Cavins’ Great Adventure Series: Bible Timeline (Step 1) and Adventure in Matthew, The King and His Kingdom (Step 2). Classes will be offered weekly (choice of 3 times) for 24 weeks, beginning in late September The coordinators need not have any previous Scripture experience, just a desire to help organize and spread the word about the groups, using the materials provided. There will be occasional coordinators’ meetings during the year. To serve in this ministry or enroll in a class, contact: Tina Boettcher, CRE @ 827-8526