Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is a consultative body that assists and advises the pastor regarding the spiritual and secular needs of the parish. Council membership is made up of ten parishioners that serve a 3-year term, including the two parish Trustees, the President of the School Commission on Education, and the Pastor. Election of new council members is held each year in May.

Visitors are welcome at council meetings, which are held on the third Thursday every other month at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.

Pastoral Council members:
Fr. Adam Stimpson, Pastor
Jim Finnigan, Trustee
Bob Hillmer, Trustee
Christine White, President, School Commission on Education
Connie Witte (2024), President
Tony Pecora (2024)
Mary Garcia (2025), Vice-President
Marty Behrens (2025), Secretary
Paula Weiland (2026)
Julian Lopez Espinoza (2026)

Pastoral Council Constitution & Bylaws