Ministries for Sunday Liturgy

Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the celebrant in a variety of ways during the Mass, including preparing the sanctuary for the celebration of the Eucharist, as well as assisting during Mass and helping with cleanup afterward. Fourth through eighth grade and high school students in our parish are offered the opportunity each year to be trained as altar servers, and to serve Sunday liturgies, funerals and other special liturgies. Contact the Parish Office if interested in being trained for this ministry.

Lectors/Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion assist by distributing Holy Communion in both forms of host and cup. Lectors proclaim the readings and read intercessions and announcements. Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers must be Catholics of good standing who regularly participate at Mass. You may sign up according to your availability and Mass choice. Contact Tom and Claire Lamonica at 309-454-1645 if interested in being trained for this ministry.

Ushers greet us on our arrival and help us find adequate seating before the service begins. They also collect our offerings and help us stay informed by presenting bulletins and other information both before and after Mass. Their primary task is to assist us as we gather to worship together. Contact the Parish Office if interested in being trained for this ministry.