This year we will once again commemorate and honor our deceased loved ones during the month of November. If you wish to participate, please provide a framed photo of your loved one, preferably 5×7 or 8×10 size to be placed in front of the altar during the month of November, as we pray for the souls of the faithful departed. Please bring your photos to the Parish Center M-F from 9-3, or drop them off in the box provided in the Board Room next to the sacristy after Masses through Friday, October 30th. Be sure to have your loved one’s name on the back of the frame, along with your name and contact phone number. We will put the names of all our deceased members of St. Mary’s parish from this past year, along with the names of those in the photos who may not be members, in the parish bulletin. You may pick up your photos after November 29th in the Board Room after the weekend Masses. Any questions, please contact the Parish Office.